In these pages I'll share some examples I've discovered over the years that I really like. A really good, high quality, custom-made holster is going to come with a high price. That's simply because the best materials cost more and the best workmanship costs more.
The value of an old gun case is in the eye of the beholder. In July 2020 I paid $475 for the old Colt Case you see here. Was it worth it? Was it too much? I must say that I kind of second guessed myself on the purchase, until it arrived and I put my old 1962 Colt Python in it. At that moment, I felt good about the purchase!
Tighter fit of a gun in a holster, more wear is inflicted on the gun by holstering and un-holstering it. Looser fit equals more wear inflicted while carrying it.
There are variations in my collection consisting of; shoulder, IWB, OWB, wallet holsters, pocket holsters and more. Some of the holsters you will see are more than 50 or 60 years old. A few are from the 1960s and 1970s. There are even a few that were made for me recently.
There are so many ways to carry your firearm concealed and there are a lot of different styles of holsters. The best holster is the one you are most comfortable with and will use.
100 Year Warranty
Custom Holster
Shark Skin
Southern Trapper