Unlike total visit counts, which can include multiple visits by the same individual, unique visitors are counted only once regardless of how many times they visit the site in a day.
Every time a user's browser loads a website, it sends a series of requests to the website's server. These requests include fetching HTML files, images, CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files, and other media or data resources needed to display the webpage.
This metric includes all the content delivered to users when they visit the site, such as text, images, videos, scripts, and style sheets.
However, I have always made an effort to improve the website as time went by. What you see here today is a far cry from where it all began with my first creation.
To optimize the total data served, I have implemented strategies like image compression, code minification (for CSS and JavaScript), lazy loading for images and videos and leveraged browser caching.
I've learned so much about publishing on the internet over the years. Even still, with limited resources it is difficult to make a website do everything you would like.
The less data a website needs to serve, the faster it will load for users, especially those with slower internet connections or limited data plans.
The bulk of the data I transfer is the photos of the old guns. Considerable time and effort goes into resizing and compresssing the images. I sincerely hope you enjoy this site as much as I have in creating and publishing it.