The Obama Years (2008-2016) witnessed a remarkable surge in gun sales and firearm permit applications in the United States. Traditionally, the right to bear arms, as enshrined in the Second Amendment, has been a cornerstone of American culture. However, the election of Barack Obama coupled with a Democrat Majority controlled House and Senate triggered fears among gun rights advocates about potential restrictive gun laws.
If you follow the old addage, "buy low, sell high", then you were a seller and not a buyer during the Obama years. I sold three Colt Pythons as I watched them go from $1,500 to $2,500 to $5,000! During the days following Obama's winning the Presidential Election, there were actually lines at gun stores. Gun sales and Concealed Permit issuances set all-time records. During the Obama years, I purchased only five guns; a 1952 unfired .32 Colt Detective Special, a 1963 Colt semi-auto 12 gauge shotgun, an Autauga .32 pocket pistol, a new Bond Arms .410/.45 combo derringer and a new Flint River .45 Carbine.
The Second Series Detective Special ran from 1947 to 1972. The ejector-rod was longer and had a groove in its knurled tip; a three-inch-barrel variant was offered, with a yet longer ejector-rod. The cylinder latch was smooth, and the trigger spur serrated. The right side frame screw has no locking pin, and the rear half of the front sight is a serrated ramp.
The grip panels were plastic in 1947, but were changed back to wood starting in 1955 (first with a silver-tone Colt medallion, and later a gold-tone). An optional hammer shroud was available from the factory to prevent the hammer from catching on clothing.
Data from various sources, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and firearms manufacturers, indicate a significant increase in gun sales and permit applications during this period. Background checks for gun purchases, a proxy for sales, hit record highs, surpassing figures from previous administrations.
The Colt 12 Gauge Semi-Auto Shotgun has a 30" full choke barrel with a vent rib and a 3" chamber. Colt contracted with Franchi to have these guns manufactured in Italy from 1962 to 1966. My gun is the deluxe version called the Custom Auto as it features engraving and higher grade wood than the standard model.
This gun sat in the rack of a local gun store for a year, with a price tag of $650. On one of my rare visits during this time, knowing I was a "Colt Guy", he offered it to me for $500. I took the gun to a Turkey Shoot the following week and on the second round won a ham. I love the feel and way this gun handles!
Several factors contributed to the historic surge in gun sales and gun permit applications during the Obama Years. Foremost was the fear among gun owners and enthusiasts that the Obama administration would enact restrictive gun control measures. Those fears resulted in actions. During Obama's eight years in office, the Democrats lost more House, Senate, state legislative and governors seats than under any other president.
The Autauga Arms Mk II .32 was manufactured from 1996 to 2000 and approximately 3,200 guns total were produced. The gun is a double-action only (DAO), blowback operated semi-auto with a stainless steel frame and black polymer grips.
The number of Democrat-held House seats spiraled from 257 at the beginning of his first term, to 188 at the end of his second term. Likewise, the number of Democrat-controlled Senate seats went from 60 to 456 during this time frame. The period was marked by significant social and political divisiveness. Issues such as economic uncertainty, terrorism, and heightened political rhetoric contributed to a sense of insecurity among many citizens. This environment, coupled with the fear of crime and personal safety concerns, drove more people to consider gun ownership as a means of self-defense.
The Cowboy Defender is a powerful shooter in a compact, classic design. Its 3″ barrel is chambered for .45 Long Colt and 2.5” .410 shot shells. My local gun store special ordered this one for me. I paid $500 tax and all for it. I bought this gun for its ability to shoot .410 shotgun rounds.
The Supreme Court's landmark decision in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) affirming an individual's right to possess firearms, set the backdrop for the Obama Years. Americans were not going to relinquish their 2nd Amendment Rights. While some states tightened their gun laws, others loosened restrictions, reflecting a polarized approach to guns and gun ownership.
The CSA45 from Flint River Armory is purpose-designed to be the most effective .45ACP personal defense weapon ever made. This pistol carbine platform is designed for: Accuracy – Strength – Reliability …and made 100% in the USA. Every pin, spring, and component of the CSA45 is made in the United States, and mostly made in the State of Alabama.
The period of 2008-2016, under the Obama administration, marked a significant era in the history of gun ownership in the U.S.
Almost every reader must be thinking at this point, that I paid TOP DOLLAR for every purchase I made during that eight-year period. Believe me, I feel like I did too. Three of the five purchases were at a new local gun store across the street from my office and I really wanted to support the business. And the carbine, well I think they are selling for $995 now, but I wanted to support my friend getting his business started.
My MOS when I served in the United States Army was 76Y. For you non-military readers, the Military Occupational Specialty of 76 Yankee means that I was a Unit Armorer. While on REFORGER 85, I trained with German Paratroopers and qualified as "Expert" with the German G-3 rifle, the Israeli Uzi 9mm sub-machinegun and the 9mm handgun.