Revolvers on the Blog

Revolver Handguns

Some of my favorite handguns are revolvers.

Visit the Handgun Section

Gun Blog Semi-Automatics

Semi-Auto Handguns

Semi-Automatic Handguns of different brands and calibers...

Visit the Handgun Section

Long Guns in the Blog

Rifles & Shotguns

Long guns, encompassing both sporting rifles and shotguns...

Visit the Long Guns Section

Holsters & Cases in the Blog

Gun Leather variations in my collection.

Examples from the finest leather makers...

Visit the Gun Leather Section
Gun Range

Know your Firearm
Safety Rules

Treat every firearm as if it is loaded.

Visiting an indoor gun range can be a safe and enjoyable experience if you follow proper safety precautions. Whether you are an experienced shooter or a beginner, it's essential to prioritize safety at all times.

Range Reports
The Gun Blog

Ramblings of an
Old Man

It was a surprise health issue that got my attention, part of growing older. And when I first began contemplating reducing the number of guns in my gun collection, I wrote this...

Blog Article
Blog Article

When the Time Comes To Downsize

What this Old Gun Collector did When the Time Came to Downsize

With age, there comes a time when you reevaluate certain things in your life. My wife and I were recently updating our wills when it occurred to me that my gun collection would likely be a burden to her in the event that something happened to me. In fact, I had guns stored in places that likely would not be discovered for a long time. It was right then that I decided that some house cleaning was in order.

Blog Article

The Gun Blog

Blah! Blah! Blah!

Publishing this website is just a hobby for me and it comes with considerable expense to do it right. In the past, I monetized the site with advertisements and actually earned enough revenue to pay all of the costs associated with it. It was October 7, 2019 that I received notice from the very large and well known entity that provided those paid advertisements that they would begin to show less gun-related ads. That is when I immediately undertook this rework to just go ahead and preemptively show none of their ads.

Blog Article

Support Your LGS

Your Local Gun Store likely has Something for Everyone!

So many things have changed in my lifetime. Over the last thirty to forty years, small independent businesses have declined in numbers and market share. Online retailers have been eating away at the market share of local brick and mortar stores at a rapid pace. If you buy a gun online, it still has to ship to an FFL for a background check and transfer. So what does the future hold for our local gun stores?

Blog Article

Relive History

One Trigger at a Time

The internet has changed many things in our lives (or at least for those of us who use it to its fullest potential). My collecting old, but modern guns predates my use of the internet by a good fifteen years. The internet has done two major things for and to collectors (no matter what they collect).

My Blog Adapts
to Mobile & Tablets

I share the blog on Facebook and Twitter. However, time constraints do not allow me to publish to every Social Media outlet.

product review
product review
product review
product review
product review
product review

If I Endorse
a Product ...

It's Because I Paid Full-Price For It, Used It, And Loved It

Product Reviews
The Gun Blog

The Boom Years

The post-World War II era, particularly the years from 1946 to 1964, marked a significant period in the history of the American gun industry. These years, aligning with the Baby Boom generation, witnessed unique shifts in the industry’s dynamics.

blog story



The Gun Blog


When Is A Dime Worth Two Dollars?... When it's a Roosevelt Dime minted from 1946-1964 or, it was invested in the right gun during that time. In 1965 our government began making dimes out of copper-nickel and S&W began making guns out of stainless steel.

blog story



The Gun Blog


My wife and I were recently updating our wills when it occurred to me that my gun collection would be a burden to her in the event that something happened to me. I had guns stored in places that likely would not be discovered for a long time.

blog story



The Gun Blog

3 Main

The Gun Blog


Short blog stories having to do with handguns.

The Gun Blog

Long Guns

These blogs are about or related to long guns.

The Gun Blog


Gun leather is an import part of carrying or transporting firearms.

The Gun Blog

3 Aspects of Gun Collecting

blog story

June 15, 2024

A Tale of 2 Colt Gold Cups, 30 Years Apart

Historical Appreciation and Preservation: Collectors often have a deep interest in the history behind the firearms.

blog story

June 15, 2024

One Went to New York in 1963, the Other to Arizona in 1993

Technical and Mechanical Interest: Many collectors are fascinated by the engineering and craftsmanship involved in making old guns.

blog story

June 15, 2024

Another 30 Years Later, In 2023 They Both Reside in Alabama

Community and Social Engagement: Collecting old guns can bring together individuals who share a common passion.

The Gun Blog

This Section of the Website

Is Redesigned & All New!

To Better Focus on Short Stories

Blog Section of